Can we just talk about this show for a minute? I watched this for five hours one Sunday afternoon with a friend of mine, and I was both apalled and enthralled. Is this really what entertains my age group now? At one moment I was caught up in all of the drama, wondering why Snooki is so short, why Sammie keeps going back to that douche-bag after he continually acts like a dick. and Oh my god, why does Angelina have to be such a raging bitch? and as I was thinking all of these things, I stopped and realized that this is the most inane, unimportant media trash I have seen in a while. And yet people eat this up. People my age. Future leaders of the world.
It's so obvious though; this really is the entertainment we crave now. Facebook, Twitter and Myspace have interested us in the minute and relatively unimportant details of people's lives. Before we wouldn't give a fuck if our friends told us what they had to eat and what they watched on TV the other day, and now it's entertainment gold. Interesting.
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